*Note: The Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan are on the General Services web page.
2024 Ordinances
- O-01-2024 Budget Amendment
- O-02-2024 2024.2025 Budget Ordinance
- O-03-2024 Personnel and Pay Classification Plan
- O-04-2024 Codification Ordinance
- O-05-2024 Police Personnel and Pay Classification Plan Amendment
- O-06-2024 DRB Amendment Ordinance
- O-07-2024 Racing in Parks
- O-08-2024 Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-09-2024 Personnel Manual Ordinance
2023 Ordinances
- O-01-2023: Fixing time and and Location of Council and Committee Meetings
- O-02-2023: Adopting a Supplement to the Code of Ordinances
- O-03-2023 Wilbers Lane Apportionment Ordinance
- O-04-2023 Street Resurfacing Program Assessments (Click here for Street Resurfacing Database)
- O-05-2023 Planning Commission Membership Amendment
- O-06-2023 Board of Adjustment Membership Amendment
- O-07-2023: Design Review Board Amendment (Adopted on November 20, 2023)
- O-08-2023 Amending the Personnel Pay and Classification Plan
- O-09-2023 Intent to Proceed with 2023 Street Resurfacing
- O-11-2023 23-24 Budget Amendment
- O-12-2023 Budget Ordinance
- O-13-2023 Personnel and Pay Classification Plan
- O-14-2023 Spectrum Franchise Agreement
- O-15-2023 Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-16-2023 Adopting Rumpke as the City’s Trash Service and setting the rates
- O-17-2023 Council Committee Amendment
- O-18-2023 Tree Commission Amendment
2022 Ordinances
- O-01-2022: Intent to Proceed with 2022 Street Resurfacing
- O-02-2022: Apportionment Ordinance for 2021 Street Resurfacing (Click here for Street Resurfacing Database)
- O-03-2022: Lowering the Speed Limit on Grant and Woodfill Ave.
- O-04-2022: Establishing the Rate of Pay for the CAO
- O-05-2022: Amending the Fee Schedule for Property Violations
- O-06-2022: 2021/2022 Budget Amendment
- O-07-2022: 2022/2023 Budget
- O-08-2022: Employee Pay Ordinance
- O-09-2022: Pay and Classification Plan Amendment
- O-10-2022: 2022 Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-11-2022: Grow Grant Ordinance
- O-12-2022: Establishing the Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator Position
2021 Ordinances
- O-01-2021: Personnel Manual Updates
- O-02-2021: Short Term Rental Ordinance
- O-03-2021: Text Amendment for Short Term Rentals
- O-04-2021: Establishing Council Meeting Dates, Times, and Location
- O-05-2021: 2021 Street Resurfacing Intent to Proceed
- O-06-2021: EDC Ordinance
- O-07-2021: Employee Pay Ordinance
- O-08-2021: Personnel and Pay Classification Plan
- O-09-2021: Budget Amend.
- O-10-2021: 2021.2022 Budget
- O-11-2021: Waste Fee Ordinance
- O-12-2021: Amended Flood Ordinance
- O-13-2021: 2021 Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-15-2021: Outdoor Dining Ordinance
- O-16-2021: Amending the Personnel and Pay Classification Plan
- O-17-2021: Establishing the Hourly Rate for the Administrative Assistant
2020 Ordinances
- O-01-2020: Apportionment Ordinance for the 2019 Street Resurfacing Program
- O-02-2020: MCImetro Franchise Agreement
- O-03-2020: Changing the Times when Alcohol can be sold
- O-04-2020: Changing the Annual Liquor License Fees
- O-05-2020: Adopting a Supplement to the Code of Ordinances
- O-06-2020: 2019/2020 Budget Amendment
- O-07-2020: FY 2020/2021 Budget
- O-08-2020: Golf Cart Ordinance Amendment
- O-09-2020: Pay Ordinance (Excluding Fire)
- O-10-2020: Update the Personnel Pay and Classification Plan
- O-11-2020: Pay Ordinance for Fire Department
- O-12-2020: Intent to Proceed with 2020 Street Resurfacing
- O-13-2020: Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-14-2020: KLC Bond Ordinance for City Building Renovations
- O-15-2020: Lowering the speed limit on Glenway Ave.
- O-16-2020: Transferring the cable franchise from Cincinnati Bell to Red Fiber Parent LLC
- O-17-2020: Establishing the pay for the Fire Chief
2019 Ordinances
- O-01-2019: Street Resurfacing Apportionment Ordinance
- O-02-2019: Amending the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual
- O-03-2019: Adopting the Uniform Residential Landlord Tenant Act
- O-04-2019: Intent to Proceed with 2019 Street Program
- O-05-2019: Amending the Promotional Process for Police
- O-06-2019: Amending the Policies and Procedures Manual to add the Kentucky Pregnant Workers Act
- O-07-2019: 2018/2019 Budget Amendment
- O-08-2019: 2019/2020 FY Budget
- O-09-2019: Employee Pay Ordinance
- O-10-2019: Amending the Personnel Pay and Classification Plan
- O-11-2019: Repealing the Police Department Policies and Procedures Manual
- O-12-2019: Adopting the Police Department Policies and Procedures Manual
- O-13-2019: Waste Fee Ordinance
- O-14-2019: Golf Cart Ordinance
- O-15-2019: 2019 Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-16-2019: Text Amendment to allow Churches in General Commercial Zones
- O-17-2019: Cable Franchise Ordinance
- O-18-2019: Fairness Ordinance
- O-19-2019: Text Amendment for Residential Uses in General Commercial Zone
- O-20-2019: Text Amendment, Other Developmental Controls
- O-21-2019: Zone Change for 14 N. Grand Avenue
2018 Ordinances
- O-01-2018: Street Resurfacing Apportionment Ordinance
- O-02-2018: Fire Department Salaries
- O-03-2018: Intent to Proceed for Street Resurfacing
- O-04-2018: Registration of Vacant Residential Properties
- O-05-2018: Creating a Code Enforcement Board
- O-06-2018: Text Amendment Regarding Garages in Side Yards
- O-07-2018: Zone Change for 26 Audubon Place
- O-08-2018: Amending the Code of Ordinances, Rules of Construction, Penalties
- O-09-2018: Amending the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Violation Complaints
- O-10-2018: Amending the Zoning Ordinance, Penalties
- O-11-2018: Amending the Zoning Ordinance, General Provisions, Penalties
- O-12-2018: Amending the Code of Ordinances Relating to Garbage Penalties
- O-13-2018: Amending the Code of Ordinances Relating to Excessive Growth of Weeds, Penalties
- O-14-2018: Amending the Code of Ordinances Relating to Newsracks, Penalties
- O-15-2018: Amending the Code of Ordinances , Swimming Pools, Penalties
- O-16-2018: 2017/2018 Budget Amendment
- O-17-2018: 2018/2019 Budget
- O-18-2018: Amending the Personnel and Pay Classification Plan
- O-19-2018: Employee Pay Ordinance
- O-20-2018: Text Amendment to allow Storage Facilities in a General Commercial Zone (Withdrawn by Developer).
- O-21-2018: Amending the Pay Ordinance for the Police Chief’s Compensation
- O-22-2018: Zone Change for 1960 Memorial Parkway R-1C to P.O. (Professional Office).
- O-23-2018: Closing and vacating a drainage alley on Tower Hill Road.
- O-24-2018: 2018 Tax Rate
- O-25-2018: Goals and Objectives for Comprehensive Plan
2017 Ordinances
- O-01-2017: Street Resurfacing Apportionment Ordinance
- O-02-2017: Tower Place
- O-03-2017: Intent to Proceed for Street Resurfacing
- O-04-2017: Zone Change for V.A. Properties
- O-05-2017: Police Department Body Cameras
- O-06-2017: 2016/2017 Budget Amendment
- O-07-2017: 2017/2018 Budget
- O-08-2017: Pay Ordinance
- O-09-2017: Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-10-2017: Waste Fee Ordinance
- O-11-2017: Outside Police Detail Ordinance
- O-12-2017: Text Amendment to allow Digital Signage in Certain Zones
2016 Ordinances
- O-01-2016: Adopting a Supplement to the Code of Ordinances
- O-02-2016: Amending Council Committee Times and Dates
- O-03-2016: Street Apportionment Ordinance
- O-04-2016: Text Amendment for Adult Day Care
- O-05-2016: Intent to Proceed with Street Resurfacing
- O-06-2016: Organizational Restructuring
- O-07-2016: 2015/2016 Budget Amendment
- O-08-2016: 2016/2017 Budget
- O-09-2016: Employee Pay Ordinance
- O-10-2016: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment adding Hotel
- O-11-2016: 2016 Tax Rate Ordinance
2015 Ordinances
- O-01-2015: Adopting a Supplement to the Code of Ordinances
- O-02-2015: Street Apportionment Ordinance
- O-03-2015: Establishing the Salary for the Parks and Recreation Coordinator
- O-04-2015: Amending Council Meeting Dates
- O-05-2015: Natural Gas Franchise Ordinance
- O-06-2015: Electric Franchise Ordinance
- O-07-2015: Intent to Proceed with Street Resurfacing
- O-08-2015: Amend Salary for Building Inspector
- O-09-2015: Budget Amendment
- O-10-2015: Budget Ordinance
- O-11-2015: Employee Pay Ordinance
- O-12-2015: Donation of Vacation Time
- O-13-2015: Duke Gas Franchise
- O-14-2015: Duke Electric Franchise
- O-15-2015: Police, Fire, and General Services Pay Ordinance
- O-16-2015: Vacating a Portion of Riverside Parkway
- O-17-2015: Waste Fee Ordinance
- O-18-2015: Tax Rate Ordinance
- O-19-2015: Setting the City Administrative Officer’s Salary