Mission Statement
The vibrancy of the business climate within the city of Fort Thomas is a critical component of a healthy community. Utilizing the Main Street four-point approach, the Board focuses on positively impacting the designated Renaissance district through economic and physical revitalization. All actions taken by the Board are done with a commitment to improve how we live, work and raise families within the city.
Each year Fort Thomas Renaissance develops goals dedicated to the development of a healthy business climate where our proud heritage helps us shape a promising future – enriching the quality of life in Fort Thomas.
Chanda Calentine
Renaissance Manager/Events Coordinator
Sam Shelton
City Administrative Assistant
Business Listings
The City of Fort Thomas has a diverse number within its business community. This list is located on the Fort Thomas App and can be downloaded on your apple or android devices. comprehensive but not complete. If your business is missing, please email Chanda Calentine, Economic Development Director at ccalentine@ftthomas.org to be included. Make sure your website is included.
During the late 1990’s the city’s elected body, staff and community volunteers engaged in a considerable effort to assess the city’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as it planned for the new millennium and continued success for the community. This effort included a long range strategic visioning process, update of the city’s official 20-year Comprehensive Plan, and consensus building from the elected body to establish priorities and areas of focus. These initiatives were completed with involvement and input from elected officials, city staff, volunteer committees, focus group meetings and professional consultants. One common theme that arose throughout this planning process was the need to reinvest in and revitalize the city’s urban core, specifically its historic business districts which were beginning to show signs of economic and physical decline.
In 2000, the city formed a citizen volunteer committee named Fort Thomas Forward to lead the development of an urban design and streetscape master plan for the center of town. During this same period, the city received state designation as a silver-level Renaissance Kentucky/Main Street community for its CBD revitalization efforts and received $95,000 in Direct Appropriation funds to underwrite some of the initial streetscape revitalization costs, specifically a CBD utility relocation project, market study, and new CBD streetscape design and engineering. Subsequently, a part-time manager position and Fort Thomas Renaissance Board were created pursuant to the requirements of the state Renaissance Kentucky/Main Street program.