Fort Thomas Farmers’ Market

Farmers’ Market

Tiffany Tomeo
Farmers Market Manager

The Fort Thomas Farmers Market was named one of the top markets in the region! We are a KY Proud market with over 25 vendors each week.  You can find local produce, fresh baked goods, honey, and so much more! 

 The market opens at 3:00 Wednesdays at the Fort Thomas Mess Hall. The market season runs from April – December.

Visit our website and facebook pages for more information! 

Farmers’ Market News

Fort Thomas Farmers' Market
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market3 days ago
February is National Lamb Month! 🐑🌿 Celebrate by enjoying locally raised lamb which are raised using sustainable farming practices like rotational grazing, which keeps pastures healthy and benefits the environment. These sheep are from @threedaughtersky and @mcclurelickingriver 🍽️💚 #NationalLambMonth #EatLocal #SustainableFarming #RotationalGrazing #KYproud #Kyproudfarmersmarket
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market4 days ago
We'd like to thank the Center for Crop Diversification for including us in their study. Our little market made it all the way to Texas!
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market1 week ago
Applications are open for the 2025 market season!
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market3 weeks ago
You've nominated us for Best of Cincinnati! Our customers are always going above and beyond to support us, and we are so grateful!

We're in the Eats Category, and we'd love to have your vote.

You don't need to vote in every category; voting in 20 categories will get your votes counted. Thank you!
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market
Fort Thomas Farmers' Market1 month ago
Our talented musicians come to the market courtesy of our sponsor Tracy Davis-State Farm Insurance Agent. Not only do Tracy and her team support the market, they also show up to many community other community events. They're the kind of business we're proud to work with. We hope you'll check them out!
City of Fort Thomas
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