Planning Commission
Approved Minutes
- 01.17.2024
- 02.21.2024
- 03.19.2024
- 03.20.2024
- 04.17.2024
- 5.15.2024
- 6.19.2024
- 7.17.2024
- 8.21.2024
- 10.16.2024
- 11.14.2024
Zoning Code Update
The Fort Thomas Planning Commission (PC) hosted a meeting on October 20, 2021 regarding initial stages of the zoning code update which included considerations for revisions to residential uses in the CBD zone. The City’s consultant will be doing assessment of existing conditions, getting additional input from other City boards that deal with the zoning ordinance, and preparing additional discussion in the coming months.
- January: Phase 1 Diagnostic Report: (Part 1)
- February: Phase 1 Diagnostic Report (Part 2)
- April: Zoning Code Update: Draft Phase 2 Unified Development Ordinance
- May: Zoning Update Schedule **Please see modified schedule and check back regularly for updates **
- July: Zoning Code Update: Form Based Code (“An educational discussion on form based codes will begin at 5:30, in advance of the Planning Commission meeting”)
- December: Zoning Ordinance Update
- PC presentations from January through August
- January: 2023 Phase 2 – Conventional Districts
- February: Memo and Meeting Material
- April: Memo and Meeting Material
- May: Memo and Meeting Material
- July: Memo and Meeting Material
- August: Memo, Meeting Material, and Presentation
- September: Memo, Meeting Material, and Presentation
- November: Presentation
- January: Memo, Presentation, Phase 2 Draft Ordinance, and Phase 3 Draft Ordinance
- February: Memo, Presentation for joint City Council Meeting
- March: Memo, Zoning District 1, Zoning District 2
- April: Memo
- May: Memo, Phase 4 Draft Ordinance, Presentation, Zoning Map
- June: Memo, Presentation Part 1, Presentation Part 2, Presentation to Council
- July: Memo, Presentation
- August: Proposed Zoning Map, Unified Development Code Version 2 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- September: FAQ-UDO and Memo
- October: Public Hearing Document Part 1 and Part 2
Board Members
Dan Fehler, Dave Wormald, Jerry Noran, Tim Michel, Larry Schultz, Pam Schierer Schweiss, David Gwisdalla
The Fort Thomas Planning Commission is a group of 7 members that are regulated by KRS 100.133 and regulate: platting, development plans, zone changes, text amendments…as well as other planning related items
Submittals such as consolidation plats or requests for setting a public hearing to the Planning Commission must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Please contact staff at 859-572-1210 as some submittals have added lead time.